What do we actually do?
Soaring Worldwide helps clients, including destinations, venues and suppliers, reach buyers across the global meetings, convention, and business events industry.
Our work includes helping them hone their message to ensure maximum clarity and impact whilst communicating it to a targeted audience of global associations, agencies and corporates with a genuine need, budget and plan to hold events. To achieve this, we use an effective mix of strategic campaign planning, PR, content creation, social media, videos and promotional events. Where necessary we partner with sales representation experts, event facilitators and speakers to maximise ROI for our clients.
Your Journey
Communications and marketing should be a journey. An ongoing progression from a to b to c to d to… Too often businesses approach communications as individual projects, they embark on “a bit of advertising”, “some PR”, “the odd event”. This approach can work and provide short term success, allowing a business to grow. However, it lacks cohesion and a formulated plan.
Without strategic elements, communication becomes a hit and miss affair, a gamble that occasionally pays off but more often than not results in wasted money.
In our opinion there are four critical stages to a communications journey:
Where we take the time to understand what your business is, what your products are and crucially, what others think of you and what you are achieving. It is also a stage where we can identify perception gaps – situations where your customers and suppliers believe different things about your business than you.
Your messages and brand – this goes beyond the creation of a logo to include the identification of key messages, business attributes and the “ethos” behind your business. Your brand should encompass visual, spoken, written and ethereal elements to embody what your business is on every level.
Strategic communications plan – where we use the information learned through the “Reveal” stage to develop a cohesive plan. This focused schedule and supporting documentation draws together the messages and the research to identify key sectors, comms opportunities and tools available to you in your journey. It identifies the what, the why, the when, the where and the how. It is also where you identify the goals that will allow you to measure the success of your campaign at a later stage.
This is where we actually deliver on the processes outlined in the strategy. It is where we draw together the various elements of research and planning to embark on specific marketing activities. No matter how well thought out and planned your strategy there will be tweaks to be made, changes to consider and whole areas to re-develop once it has moved your business to the next level. Evaluation and iterative tactical course corrections should be ongoing, allowing the continual measurement and optimisation of all your marketing spend.

Where we take the time to understand what your business is, what your products are and crucially, what others think of you and what you are achieving. It is also a stage where we can identify perception gaps – situations where your customers and suppliers believe different things about your business than you.