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I for “Interesting”

As a

PR agency, we spend a lot of time writing press releases, articles and blogs. Whist we need to make sure the things we say are based on fact at the same time we need to ensure it is interesting to the intended target audience.

One of the ways of achieving this is to approach the release from the perspective of readers. You need to ask yourself, is this newsworthy? Would you want to read this? What would make this of interest to you?

Some of our clients work within the events industry so we are fortunate that they usually have plenty of interesting things to talk about – they are generally buzzing with activities, concerts and conferences.

However, we also work with clients in other industries that many people might perceive not to be so glamorous. They may not sound the most exciting of sectors but there are always stories to be told which will be of interest to a specific audience.  In fact, quite often a client may not realise the importance or potential impact of a story. It’s our job to tease these stories out of clients and turn them into something which is going to get them noticed. There’s no point hiding you’re light under a bushel when you have an interesting story to tell!

So no matter what the subject matter is, there’s always an interesting story to be told. Well, it certainly will be once we’ve worked on it!


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